Forum: Memory Quizzes--just for fun


How well do you know Massachusetts?

Created on: 01/11/11 03:15 AM Views: 1964 Replies: 1
How well do you know Massachusetts?
Posted Monday, January 10, 2011 10:15 PM
How well do you know Massachusetts?
 1.  What is the State Dog?
 2.  What is the State Cat?
 3.  What is the State Tree?
 4.  What is the State Insect?
 5.  What is the State Fish?
 6.  what is the State Muffin?
 7.  What is the State Bird?
 8.  What is the State Flower?
 9.  What is the State Beverage?
10.  Who was the English Explorer who named the state?
11.  What does the name Massachusetts mean?
12.  What is the number one food crop of the state of Massachusetts?
13.  What are the main minerals found in Massachusetts?
14.  What town is known as the World's Greatest Whaling Port   ?
15.  What is the tallest mountain in Massachusetts?
16.  What is the name of the mountain range located in Massachusetts?
17.  What is the second most populated city in Massachusetts?
18.  People enjoyed swimming in the Quabin Reservoir.  True or False
19.  What Massachusetts town is known for inventing the game of basketball?
20.  Other than Boston, what town is known for having one of the largest                      St. Patrick's     Day  parades?
21.  What company in Massachusetts is famous for making the Valentine Heart Candies  sold all around America?
22.  Who was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence?
23.  Who is the famous children's author and illustrator from Springfield, MA?
24.  What are monadnocks?
25.  Name the woman who dressed up as a soldier and fought against the British
      during the  Revolutionary war.
Answers:   l.  Boston Terrier
                   2.  Tabby Cat
                   3.  American Elm
                   4.  Ladybug
                   5.  Cod
                   6.  Corn
                   7.  Chickadee
                   8.  Mayflower
                   9.  Cranberry Juice
                  10.  Captain John Smith
                  11.  "People who live near the big hill."
                  12.  cranberry
                  13.  sand, gravel and crushed stone
                  14.  New Bedford
                  15. Taconic Mountains
                  16.  Mt. Greylock
                   17.  Worcester
                   18.  false
                    19.  Springfield
                    20.  Holyoke
                    21.  NECCO
                    22.  John Hancock
                    23.  Dr. Seuss
                    24.  They are mountains made of rocks scattered here and there
                    25.  Deborah Samson
RE: How well do you know Massachusetts?
Posted Thursday, January 20, 2011 06:06 PM
I did not do well...I didnt even know we had most of these as designated creatures and things. lol