In Memory

James McNutt

died June 2007

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05/04/18 08:56 AM #1    

Mary Renee Christy (Chi)

My 3 memories of Jim:

1. My mother, Beulah Christy, English Teacher, caught Jim with chew in his mouth. She asked him to swallow it, which he did without complaint. Mum had no further problems with Jim and chew!

2. Jim came into our class late, made some comment to Mr. Slosky who proceded to punch him in the kidney. I was insensed, stood up and yelled at Mr.Slosky, who proceded to give me my one and only detention!

3.  As far as I can remember, Jim was the only student who sent my mother (and family) a sympathy card when my father died in November of our senior year. 

James McNutt was a real Mensch. I liked him.

Mary Renee Christy Chi

05/04/18 12:30 PM #2    

Jackie Anderson (Donley)


My memory of Jim McNutt is when we hired him to take our class picture at one of our reunions (thought we'd give business to one of our own) he collected the money and took off. Of course we never got those pictures. I couldn't believe he would do that to his classmates.

Jackie Anderson Donley
















05/05/18 09:18 AM #3    

Mary Renee Christy (Chi)


Well, there you go!!! I'm am constantaly being reminded that we are indeed complex creatures showing different aspects of our nature to different folks. I'm sorry to hear that Jim's negative instincts got the upper hand in that instance, and I feel blessed to have been the recipient of an action that was generated from his positive instincts.

Mary Renee


05/05/18 05:21 PM #4    

Jackie Anderson (Donley)


I loved your response.


05/06/18 06:18 PM #5    

Walter Cashell

Leave it up to Mary to come up with a positive vibe on Jim. The first thing that entered my mind was the class picture episode. Far be it for me to degrade Jim since he is no longer with us, but I have been looking in the mail for years and the picture has never arrived. You can't depend on the post office for anything. LOL

This is the first time I posted anything, but I couldn't resist commenting on my friend Jim. He was a real piece of work and is probably running a scam in heaven.

Thanks for keeping our web site up and running. It's a good thing !!!

05/06/18 07:51 PM #6    

Jackie Anderson (Donley)

It's good to hear from you Walter and thanks for your comments. I wish I was like Mary! smiley


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