Doing the right thing
Posted Saturday, December 4, 2010 05:13 PM

David Van Scoy

  As best I can remember the story

My friend John Dockstater

One Friday afternoon at an assembly Mr. Fowler told us about a cross country meet that had taken place that week in Downing Park. As I remember the story, Mr. Fowler said that John and a harrier from an opposing team had been in close competition all season for top honors in the section. 
At one point in the race the competitor took the wrong turn. This mistake would surely cost him the race. John realized that the other fellow was unfamiliar with the course so he followed him down the wrong road and brought him back. 

I don’t remember who won the race. I don’t think it matters. What matters is the lesson Mr. Fowler was teaching. John did the right thing. He knew the cost and he paid it. Can you imagine what this world would be like if we all sacrificed to bring our friends back from the wrong turn?