Tricia Keffer

Profile Updated: October 21, 2009
Residing In: Santa Rosa Beach, FL USA
Personal Website: View Website
Occupation: Business owner/ Photographer
Favorite High School Memories:

Band Trips to New Orleans, Orange Bowl, Cotton Bowl and Cargenie Hall!!

Places you have lived since High School:

Pensacola, Orlando, South Walton

What I have been up to the past 20 yrs:

Only 8000 characters for the last 20 years! Ok, lets see I have traveled to Hawaii, India, Italy, Austria, Germany, Paris (3x), Ireland, London, Switzerland, and around the US. I am expanding my beach portrait business into a "vacation photography" business. I'm really excited. I hope to sell my house soon and live out of a suitcase for a year to "make it work" =)

Places you have traveled to:

I think I covered that above. I've been to lots of different states too.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:51 AM
Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:51 AM
