In Memory

David Ramer

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08/27/11 03:36 PM #1    

Bill Pangburn

David was responsible for probably the most unlikely event in my life which also shocked  everyone else as well.  Transferring from Sheridan my Sophomore year I was unknown to nearly everyone, although I had attended kindergarten, Federal Hill, 1st Ward, and Conner.  During the election of class officers 3 males had been elected Pres, Vice Pres, and Secretary.  The latter infuriated most of the girls who voiced their opinion strongly.  After things calmed down 1 known male and 1 known female were nominated for Treasurer and just as nominations were closing David raised his hand and said "I nominate Bill Pangburn."  I was really embarrased thinking I was the butt of a joke as the 3 of us left the room.  Upon returning I was astonished to find that I had been elected.  I guess I owe a debt to David who proved to be a much better campaign manager than I did a Treasurer.  I'm sure I met many people that I probably wouldn't have met had this not happened.  As a post script I recently met a man who turned out to be the owner of the last company that David worked for and his face lit up when I mentioned David who had turned out to be one of his best employees.  Here's a belated "Thank You David".


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