Sarah Knecht Knecht-Berndt

Profile Updated: November 6, 2010
Residing In: Normal, IL USA
Spouse/Partner: Larry Berndt
Occupation: Project Manager in Substance Abuse Research Field
Children: Jade - 18 (1992)
Jackson - 13 (1997)
Jace - 6 (2004)

After being paroled in late 1995, I married for the third time. Earlier this year I spawned my seventh child, Rufus. My other children, Tide, Rainbow, Amberlia, Moonshine, Esmerelda, and my oldest Sabatical, reside across the US with their various fathers. Currently, I am working on a lucrative movie deal with Emilio Estevez involving the mayhem we all encountered at the spectacular 10 year reunion. I'm sure most of you remember my breif stint as the lead singer of the all girl Jewish rap band, EZ York and the Cool Fab 4 (Staley File was also in the group). I pay the bills by writing for Chicago's premiere porn mag, Horizontal Action. I am looking forward to our 20 year reunion and hope more of you can make it. I've been clean and sober for fifteen minutes.
UPDATE: In 2004 I was finally released from parole. I still say it was worth it. I remarried again after my third husband was charged with manslaughter and had to flee the country. I think he is in Brazil, but haven't received word. My fourth husband I met online in a chat room for the sarcastic and cynical. We attend NA, AA, and CA meetings together when were not down at the bar. I have been clean and sober for almost an hour.

School Story:

So many --
The time Andy Thomsen and Kevin Kieswetter sat outside Sr. Prom screaming "Nice Dress" to everyone that walked in,
The filming of "The Way" Going to see George Michael with Winston, putting back in all the comments the teachers edited out of the final edition our Sr. year of the school paper, the time Jon Neuleib threw me into the lockers screaming obsenities and before Coach Eddy could intervene I verbally assaulted Jon in such a vehement manner that Coach Eddy sat on the steps laughing, anything involving Steve Methner was hysterical, When Wendy Ruyle thought the hicky on my neck (thanks Bruce) was a horse bite, And being the first person to ride in Josh Favus new Porsche.

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Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Sarah and Larry Berndt
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Jackson wins the world series
Posted: Mar 07, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Jace Plays Baseball