In Memory

Caylon Berglan

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04/26/20 03:09 PM #1    

Gwenn Fairbanks (Hare)



I am so sorry to hear of Caylon's passing.   I interviewed for a counseling position at Whittier Middle School and Caylon was one of the Asst. Principals there at the time. It was great to see a familiar face on the hiring team. He and I became the administrative team for 7th grade and worked closely together for years.  In that time I came to know what a gentle soul he was and how great he was with kids.  He had the gift of teaching good behavior skills when kids were in trouble;  he saw all situations as a teachable moment.  He supported his students while not allowing them to avoid consequence. I believe he had the respect of his team and gratitude of the parents he worked with in difficult times. He touched thousands of lives during his long career in the Norman Public Schools.

It was my great honor and privilege to have known him and worked with him.  He will be missed.

Gwenn Fairbanks Hare


04/27/20 01:56 PM #2    

Douglas Smith

Caylon was a pitching mate of mine on a colt leauge baseball team coached by my father.  He was then and remained a genlte, humble big man. I liked him a lot.  God Bless.

04/27/20 06:44 PM #3    

Mark Hardisty

What wonderful tributes.  I hope these things can be said about all of us.


04/30/20 12:05 PM #4    

Charles Alexander

I've been wanting to write about Caylon's passing. I never saw him after high school, and I never lived in Norman except for a few months after I graduated from a far-away college. There are so many people, though, that made a strong impact on me. Caylon was one. I can't say I was a close friend. I played some baseball with him, in summer leagues in youth.  I wish he had played on the high school team -- he was certainly good enough that he could have done so.

But more than anything, I think of Caylon as having a maturity I certainly did not quite have in those years, even what I would call a dignity. He was impressive on every level, yet humble, and kind. I wish I had been around to see him become the good adult citizen that he clearly became.

I appreciate what others have said about him, and I just wanted to register that this one is a tough one to swallow. This planet doesn't need to lose such good people, particularly right now.

05/02/20 07:21 PM #5    

Paul Schmidt

     I played football with Caylon from 7th grade at Central Jr. High when I was about half as tall as him, until our senior year at Norman High.  He was always such a  reassuring presence and there when you needed him, which saved me from getting smashed many times.  I'm sure he was  that way for so many of his students and friends throughout the years.  You didn't really have to remember he was there, because he always was as such a stalwart team player that made a great difference without taking too much credit.  He was always greatly needed so I'm really grateful he was there for all of us.  I would like to thank him and all his family for being what they were, very helpful. 

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