Classmate Profiles (1956)

     User has created a profile: 8
     Profile contains photos: 1
     In Memory: 1
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 1
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Keith Barber
Aletha Bertrand
Gerald Brackenbruy
Ilene Caldwell (Rogers)
Shirley Caldwell
Laverne Caley   
Marilyn Charlton
Wilma Cole (Durham)  
Donna Davidson
Robert Hannon
Marylou Hatton
Helen Hill
MaryEllen Hopkins
Carole Jull (Tedball)  
Wallace Kennedy
Wayne King
Marilyn Kirkpatrick
Agnes Lemon (Savill)  
Shirley Litton (Barnes)  
Norman Marshall
Kenneth McMurchy
Marilyn Moore (Cross)   
Barbara Palmer
Joseph Radvansky
Darlene Sherman
Robert Slaght
Laura Smith
Russell Smith   
Joan Storey
Fred Stubbs   
Holme Sutton
Laura Lee Swanton (Cayley)  
Robert Watkins

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