Classmate Profiles (1975)

     User has created a profile: 17
     Profile contains photos: 10
     In Memory: 1
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 1
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Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 17    Newest Members: 16    Latest Comments: 6  

Barry Alexander   
Paul Alexander   
Bev Bates (Arsenault)  
Deb Bowen (Longthorne)    
Murray Catton    
Josie Comfort (Esseltine)   
Mike Cowan
Arlene Fidland
Marty Hahn
Bill Hall
Bob Hall
Gayle Hammond (Stannard)   
Wanda Harris (NickersonSamways)   
Jane Harrison    
Colin Hutchinson
Luanne Krohe
Jim Leslie
Brad McKay   
Dean Moore
Karen Munro (Caple)    
Lori Piper (Francia)   
Steve Poredos   
Richard Richardson   
Teresa Schaafsma (Hill)    
Bert Stubbs    
Scott Taylor    
Jenny VanBommel
Leona VanTorre
Sherry Ward
Linda Wells (Black)    
Cathy Wright

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