Glenn Carroll

Profile Updated: June 4, 2010
Where do you live now? Ottawa, ON Canada
Are you married, single,? Married. Wife Lynn is an elementary school teacher. in Ottawa.
Do you have children? If so how many. Tell us about them. Courtney - daughter born 1977 & living in Portland, ME;
Tim - son born 1990 studying Engineering More…at Ryerson & Carleton U;
Lauren - daughter born 1992, just finishing high school & will be attending Bishop's U.
What do you do for a living? Or are you lucky enough to be retired? Luckily retired! Former forensic scientist (RCMP)
Do you like the idea of our NDHS web site? Super!
Yes! Attending Reunion
Do you have any memories of your high school years? Tell us!

My only year at NDHS was '63-'64 for grade 10. It was wonderful! Loved it - just like 'Happy Days'.

My profile should be in the 1966 grad. year.

I do recall what we thought would be a funny prank. Our gr. 10 math class was in a chemistry lab, and our teacher Mrs. Zavitz, I do believe, was always a few minutes late. Why not turn on all the gas valves! Little did we know the possible consequences, but we did mange to evacuate that wing of the school.

Are you looking forward to the reunion?

Unfortunately I can't make it, but would have loved to.

Do you still have family around Norwich?

Yup. Caroline (Carroll) Orth, Dave and Karen (Brackenbury) Orth.

How often do you get back to Norwich?

At least once a year.

What do you do now?

Retired and volunteering like crazy.

How did you get into that line of work?

Studied Biology at Carleton U.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Computing, running, taekwon do, musical theatre (Savoy Society of Ottawa - Gilbert & Sullivan - HMS Pinnafore (1998), Pirates of Penzance (2000), The Gondoliers (2002), The Yeomen of the Guard (2010), volunteer backstage at Centrepointe Theatre, Ottawa Chamber Music Festival, Ottawa International Jazz Festival, Come Sing Messiah!

How old do you feel?

Much younger than my age.

My motto: You're only young once but you can be immature forever.

Any grey hair yet? Women don't have to honestly answer this one:)

Lot's of grey hair.

Did you have any nicknames in school?

Swig (thanks to Fred Bishop).

Favorite sports?

Running, taekwon do (black belt).

Cool things you've done in your life?

Lived in Australia on teaching exchange 2004-2005.

Ever gone on a blind date?

Yup - that's how I met my wife, Lynn.

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:53 AM