Cheryl Wilson Courtner

Profile Updated: April 6, 2009
Cheryl Wilson
Class Year: 1968
Residing In: Nyssa, OR USA
Spouse/Partner: Kenny Courtner
Occupation: retired 4th grade teacher
Children: a 2 year old Dobbie named Cassie
Yes! Attending Reunion

My story is the same as it was at our last reunion. In March, 2004, my husband
died suddenly of a heart attack, my life has drasticly changed, loosing my soul mate and my best friend. I retired from teaching 4th grade in the spring of 08. I am keeping busy making
dichroic glass jewlery, doing some oil painting, and
generally enjoying my time with my dogs. I still live
in Nyssa , in the home where I grew up.

School Story:

I am so thankful to have gone to school in the '60.
When everything was right with the world and we
had such good friends to experience life with us. I
am looking forward to seeing you all soon!