In Memory

Anita Ellison

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09/30/23 09:17 PM #1    

Jill Forseman (Kenney)

Anita moved in next door to us in about 5th grade.  She was so much fun, and also very pretty.  I remember when Lesley, Melissa, Jenifer, Anita and I would sit in front of the Christmas tree and guess which ornament the leader was thinking about.  That was excitement (or at least contentment) back in the day.  We would have theater productions and cafes for the neighborhood.  Anita was alwas someone who epitomized "cool" back in the day.  I liked her two sisters as well.  I really do miss Anita.  She was fun, pretty, and a great person for our escapades.  

10/01/23 01:21 PM #2    

Jenifer Yaggi (Campbell)

Anita was one of my best friends growing up.  She moved into our neighborhood in elementary school and was so cute...she had the sweetest dimples when she smiled.  Our "Lousiana Avenue" gang spent many lazy summer days listening to WNOX on the radio, playing cards, riding bikes and having sleep overs at her house.  Such wonderful memories.  I was so sad when she passed away at such a young age - I believe it was 1999, but my memories of her and our childhood will forever be etched in my mind as some of my happiest times.  RIP Anita. 

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