ODESSA High School, Odessa, TX
"CLASSES OF 1958 & 1959"
Other Great Sites
Vietnam Veteran's Memorial Wall. (45 Odessa Boys Died in Vietnam)
Newspapers and Magazines On-Line (Hundreds of Papers & Mags)
- Odessa American Newspaper ==> www.oaoa.com
- Midland Reporter-Telegram ==> http://www.mywesttexas.com/
- Lubbock Avalanche-Journal ==> www.lubbockonline.com
- Austin American-Statesman ==> www.statesman.com
- Dallas Morning News ==> http://www.dallasnews.com/
- Fort Worth Star-Telegram ==> www.star-telegram.com
- Houston Chronicle ==> www.chron.com
- San Antonio Express-News ==> www.mysanantonio.com
- San Angelo Standard-Times ==> www.gosanangelo.com
- Corpus Christi Caller-Times ==> http://www.caller.com/
- Wall Street Journal ==> http://online.wsj.com/public/page/news-world-business.html
- USA Today ==> www.usatoday.com/
- Parade ==> http://www.parade.com/
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Interesting Facts About Your Name
Odessa's MCM Elegante Hotel. Site of our Reunions
Tommy's Drive-In, Odessa, TX
Top 100 Songs From the 50's through the 80's
Listen to 50's Jukebox Music at:
http://www.doowopfix.co.uk/ Click on Oldies link.
Buddy Holly "YouTube" Video Clip