In Memory

Jimmy Dale Grisham

I had last seen Jimmy at Fort Wolters, Texas when we both were in the Army.  That was in 1969-70.  Jimmy was assigned to Beach Army Hospital as a medic.  He discharged in early 1970 and I never saw him again.  I know he was living in Fort Worth, but have no details of his death. 

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01/21/18 01:05 AM #1    

Jack Norman Davis, Jr.

I lived directly across the street from Jimmy Dale on Muskingum.  He lived at 2304 and I lived at 2305.  We were 4 years old when we met.  We wwere close friends and neighbors and went through Alamo, Bowie, and OHS together.  I last saw him in 1964 when I left Odessa and moved to Brownwood.

I know for a fact that Jimmy died in a VA facility in Temple in 2000 and he is buried beside his parents and sister in Glazier Peau Cemetery in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Jack N Davis, Jr.

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