In Memory

Nancy Anne Woodbury (Harper)

Ann was another extraordinary person.  Not many people could measure up to her in my estimation.  Before we moved into town, "Odessa.",  we lived in Goldsmith.  My grandmother operated a beauty shop and my grandfather owned and operated the Gulf Service Station.   Anne's father worked for Gulf and was a production foreman.  They lived in the old Gulf Camp about 1/2 mile east of Goldsmith.  In the 50's the camp had about 75 or so houses there and was almost a little city in of itself.  Eventually the oil companies had to quit providing housing for their employees and many employees bought their old camp house and moved them out in West Odessa or into Goldsmith.  Ann's home was absolutely the last house in the camp and the family eventually moved out to West Odessa.  I think it was before we graduated.  So I had known Ann since we were pre-schoolers.  I went to Goldsmith Elemenatary for the 1st and 2nd grades.  Ann and I always were in different rooms, but even after my family moved into town, I still spent the summers in Goldsmith and would see Ann at the swimming pool.  

I attended Crockett Junior High School for a short time.  Ann was voted as a 7th grade cheerleader.  I remember thinking Ann just makes her own way, even then.  I couldn't fathom a girl coming out of Goldsmith into the big city junior high at Crockett and within weeks, she was already a cheerleader.  

Ann continued to excel at OHS and she was recognized very early.  She was a cheerleader her junior year and Head Cheerleader her senior year, she was voted Miss OHS, our senior Year and was first runner-up for Homecoming Queen, She was on the Annual Staff and was the Editor of the Corral our Senior Year.  She was just an all around All American Girl and had the personality to match her accomplishments.   There wasn't a category for Best of and as such Ann had to be considered for that Title.   

After high school, Ann attended McMurry University in Abilene.  I lost touch with her after that.  I don't know exactly what happened to Ann in the years after high school, someone else has to fill in the gaps.   I can remember distinctly when I read her death notice in the Odessa American.  I just remember thinking it couldn't be Ann, but sadly it was.  She died of some type of rare cancer on August 4, 1997 in Colorado.  I don't have any information on her final resting place, but I understand she was laid to rest there.  I hadn't seen her folks very much when they moved into town.  Ann had an older brother and he passed away as well as I remember. 

Ann was just above the rest of the crowd.  I am privileged to have known Ann and to have had her as a childhood friend.     


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04/30/15 10:44 AM #1    

Anna Marie Wilbanks (Connally)

Some of you knew Anne a lot longer than I did.  I didn't meet her until we were at OHS.  It doesn't matter when you met Anne - you were blessed when you did.  She was the most authenic, honest, sweetest person I have ever known.  I will always miss our sweet Anne!!!

10/14/15 06:23 PM #2    

Shirley Darlene Brady (Kiser)

Just a little correction to Bill Brown's post:  Kay (Goober) Shoemake was head cheerleader our senior year.

I saw Ann at the mall in Odessa not too long before she died.  If I recall correctly, she was visiting her mother.  I told her I wish she had returned for reunions and that we had missed her.   

10/15/15 10:30 AM #3    

Madelyn Carol Cochran (Farmer)

i have been thinking about a reply to billy mac's statement that he was amazed that anne, a girl from the small town of goldsmith could become a big deal at ohs in the big city of odessa. one of the great things about growing up in the oil fields of the 50s and 60s was, like the old west, you never asked anyone where they came from. it was rude to do so, and possibly could cause you a problem. in the old west it could get you killed, even! we had to do our best and sink or swim on our own merits. i don't recall knowing that anne came from goldsmith. i just knew she was one of ours at crockett. we couldn't let the bowie kids have everything! :-D she was smart and pretty and sweet, and i wanted to be just like her. 


10/15/15 02:11 PM #4    

Martha Meline Butler (Moore)

Lovely tributes to Anne.  I concur.

10/15/15 02:35 PM #5    

Judy Ann Warren (Keffer)

Ann was one of the best people I ever knew.  I attended school with her from 4th grade to 12th. Her success, I believe, came from her genuine friendliness to everyone. She never lost the personal touch from tiny Goldsmith Elemtary to huge Odessa High School. Whenever I passed her in the hall, she always said , Hi, Judy."  And I would hear her calling everyone she passed by name. She made everyone feel like a friend.  My only explanation for someone like her is that she was genuine. You can't fake an Ann Woodbury. 

10/16/15 10:52 AM #6    

Michael Winston Williams

Met and knew Anne from 7th-9th at Crockett and all the way through OHS.  Memories!  I have some of those memories in photographs taken during the last week in the 9th grade at Crockett.

My mother was wonderful enough to let me use her fine Agfa 35mm camera to photograph my last week at Crockett.  I photographed teachers, office staff and fellow students,  Anne being among those many wonderful memories.  The film is of the slide format, all stored at my parents' home in westside Odessa, my daddy still living at the homeplace.  I will go through the thousands of slides in search of those memories and when I find them,  I will share them with you on this site , of which I am most grateful for its existence.  Many thanks to Billy Mac and any others for this site!

I welcome any contact from other classmates.

Smiles and be doing good for others!



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