
The website was developed to help 71 alumni reconnect and as a planning tool for the reunion. 

Seemed like a long time when this website was set up but it's only been since April 2010. I was just was tinkering with the idea of the website and only had the domain name established, when a classmate, Kevin Hudson, had already found the site and sent me a message. Maybe through Goggle? That made my decision to go on with setting it up because I figured that there would be at least 2 people interested, Kevin and myself. lol Well, it quickly caught on and continues to grow.

I've gotten back a lot more than the time and money I have put into it. 

I have paid for the domain name  ( for the past three years as well as the monthly website subscription charges for the first year.  This was done as a gift from me and I really hope you enjoy it.  

Thank you for all the favorable comments I have received.  This was a new adventure for me   Thank you for your patience,  Unfortunately some of the things I learned when I started this  I quickly forgot when I went through radiation treatment ! of perhaps it's just old age :)


The website subscription expired on 4-1-20.  I am sorry if anyone temporarily experienced issues or saw a lot of ads.  That was due to the subscription not updated.

Since then,  I decided to renew the website and paid for it until April 2025

Our new rate is 20.00 a year for the domain name, is paid through 2021

and the monthly website subscription price  is now 8.50 per month.  I also upgraded the security on the site. 


Enjoy our 71 website!                            

Vicki (McCoy) Jensen (administrator)

  Thanks to the everyone that has made a donation to keep the website going. 

There has been so many people that it's hard to list everyone.