In Memory

Dusty Henderson

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06/20/08 11:10 AM #1    

Kami Robinson (Simon)

Hey cuz

Can't believe it has been almost twenty years. I miss you. I often think of the talks that we had and how you tried to keep me in line (I still know no boundaries). I really miss you. You will always be in my memories. Love you.

06/23/08 09:26 AM #2    

Leslie Bryant (Denman)


You have always had a special place in my heart. God loaned you to us for a short time and in the short time, we created some wonderful memories. Thanks for being in life.....Leslie

07/01/08 04:32 PM #3    

Marie Garcia (DeGroot)

The memory that stands out the most for me is when we were in high school and in Mrs. Greenlee's class and he pulled out a brown paper bag that some fried chicken in it and shared it with me. Greenlee caught us eating fried chicken and sent us into the hallway for a few minutes---but no biggie! Hard to believe he is gone, but what a great guy!

07/08/08 12:16 PM #4    

Laura Tuck (Scherer)

I was shocked to hear about Dusty, so young and so much to offer! You will not be forgotten!

07/14/08 01:28 PM #5    

Kim Thomas (Cook)

The things I remember about you were the way you would light up a room. Always having a smile on your face and always dressed to the nine. I can't remember a time in school when I ever saw you unhappy or unwilling to just take the time to say "Hi". I only have good memories of you.

07/25/08 01:09 PM #6    

Rosiland Warren (Peters)


I have been in shock since I found out you were gone. I still can't believe it. We shared alot of laughs together, and your smile was always a comfort to me. I will never forget when you asked me to the 8th grade banquet. We had the best time! I know one thing for sure, you will always hold a special place in my heart.

Love, Rosiland

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