Jeff Kelley

Profile Updated: September 2, 2013
Current address: Peculiar, MO USA
Spouse/Partner: Julie (Lehnardt)
Children: Elise, Talmage, Seth, Isaac
Occupation: Manager: Supply Chain ZTE USA
Yes! Attending Reunion
Attending MVHS Class of '83 - 30-Year Reunion (09/14/13)


What are you doing these days?

Married to Lisa Quinney (met at UVCC) in 1989. Widowed in 1995 (no children)
Married to Julie Lehnardt (MVHS class of 1989) in 1996 -- happily married with 4 great children.
Family farm (20 acres) raising beef cows, goats, chickens, honey bees, but primarily raising children.
Fourth year teaching early morning seminary.
Coaching summer swim team -- my two oldest boys swim.
Assistant Scout Master -- lots of camping with my boys.
Active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.
Travel to China (business) twice a year.

What's on your bucket list?

Travel with my wife to Europe and Thailand.
Visit national/historic sites on the east coast (Virginia to Vermont).
Scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef.

Favorite school story:

I believe it was our Sophomore year during one of the first assemblies, a group played "Rapper's Delight" by The Sugarhill Gang -- that was a fun way to start off the year.
Watching Steve Johnson and Alan Johnson play The Spirit of Radio by Rush was fantastic -- I guess I liked performances.
