In Memory

Clark Rudicil - Class Of 1964

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08/22/10 07:00 PM #1    

Alice Anderson (Wedding) (1965)

Clark Rudicil lived in Terrace Park, Ohio in the 80s (really high-rent district next to Indian Hill for those of you near Cinci), which is a city right next to Milford where I've lived since '72. I probably saw him first because he played with the Terrace Park Orchestra , which played on the "green" in TP on Memorial Day, 4th of July and Labor Day. He still played the horn.

Sometime in the late 80s or early 90s he moved to Milford with his wife and girls> At least 1 of the girls was into drama because one of the last times I saw him, he had come to the play "Hook" at Milford HS. His kids were about the same ages as mine and mine graduated in '95 and '98. Clark was always so full of vim--and then he got MS (Multiple Schlerosis) and it took him down fast. He would come to his kids activities --and it affected his coordination and speech. Eventually it killed him.

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