In Memory


Glen McFarland

Date Of Birth: Nov-04-1982
Date Deceased: Feb-21-2007
Age at Death: 25
Cause of Death:
Classmate City: Palestine
Classmate State: TX
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By:

Glen was loved by so many people. He lived a FULL life in his 25 yrs! Nothing or No one held him back from doing what ever he wanted! He was one you could never stay mad at either. He was a One of a Kind person. And he is missed & thought about often.

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06/07/11 11:20 AM #1    

Justin Poole

RIP Glen you & me had Some good time man :'( you'll be missed

08/25/11 06:52 PM #2    

Rockee Hamilton

I sure wish you were gonna be there to make us smile & laugh! You were a wonderful person & I will never forget you....miss you lotts Glen...luvya*

09/14/11 04:14 AM #3    

Melissa Camacho

Rip.... Miss you lots! But think off you often and talk about you all the time with our nephew Jesse.... He reminds me off you in so many ways! And he made me a great aunt and you a great uncle... I know you are looking down on us and watching over us! You'll always be in our hearts and NEVER forgotten! Love Ya Lots Glen A.K.A Dave ;) Melissa Camacho

09/14/11 03:49 PM #4    

Daisy Gonzalez

 Glen I will never forget the memories I have of you.... you would call me Chopstick in school... in 6th grade we had classes together and always got in trouble for talking to much... you were a very down to earth person and kind....RIP Glen <3 u

09/17/11 02:14 PM #5    

Amber Musick

Glen AKA Dave always made your day a million times better than normal.  Always had a smile on his face and no one was ever a stranger to him.  .  He is very much missed and loved. 

10/01/11 07:05 AM #6    

Carri Herbert (Blackwell/Herbert)

Glenny boy! You are missed terribly!!!! Won't be the same with out ya!!!!

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