In Memory

Liz Jernberg

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03/10/15 01:34 AM #1    

Lynne Armstrong

Liz was very generous, fun loving and very quick and intelligent.She was also open minded and spirited. She had wispy blond hair that refused to be controlled. She had happy eyes and thin lips that were frequently in a smile.

I still think about her, so many many years later... she made such an impression on me.She was my best friend . After she left us,  I really missed her presence in my life... I was sad when she died, I still miss her. There was a void. I've often wondered what she wouldve done with her life... something significant Im sure,,, she was just like that, she wanted to make a difference, have a voice, and do something with it.

She was killed in a car accident, while we were still in school. I will find her pic in the yearbook and post it.

Before that we rode horses together at Webb ranch and forgot about eveything else.

Her mother was very nice and imparted compassion and  caring in liz as well.

Her friend still,

Lynne Armstrong


09/16/19 11:51 PM #2    

Amy Fink

Liz Jernberg died in 1969 when we were in the 8th grade at Jordan Jr. High.

She was in the passenger seat in a car turning left off of El Camino Real and I think about her almost any time I am in the passenger seat during a left turn, even after all of these years.

I was on the yearbook staff and dedicated a page to her.  Here it is.

08/09/21 02:12 AM #3    

Karen Layman (McDonald)

I have thought of Liz at different times through the years. I liked her alot. We rode bikes up to foothills park and back. I recall being with her during the scary moment her bike crashed into a window of some kind on the way back. She was ok fortunately. It is a hazy but intense memory. I cant recall how it happened. She was a lovely spirit. Fun and adventuresome.



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