Missing Classmates

"We are working the day watch"
trying to locate the missing
cougars of 1964 . . .
So just give us the facts ma'am,
where they might be . . .

If you're on this list, let us know, if you see a classmate on the list and know how we might reach them please let us know or ask them to log on. If you would like to help the committee in locating our missing classmates it would be very much appreciated. How nice would it be to eliminate this page.

"Let's Get Ur Done", One Name at a Time . . .

Robbie Alexander
Steve Austin

Linda Baker
Martha Baker
Ed Ballou
Ed Barber
Susan Barnett
Lynn Boege
Victoria Borg-Wilson
Dennis Bradshaw
Richard Briggs
Susan Brown
Pamela Burke-Alman

Martine Caillaud
Ronald Chadburn
Diane Chu-Ng
Cynthia Clark
Cheryl Courneen
Penny Cunningham

Jack Dauler
John Davenport

Patricia Deninson
Laura Douglas
John Downs
Jacqueline Doyle

Barbara Eliason
Barbara Ernst
Tony Estrada
Kenneth Eymann
Bob Feil

Stephanie Flesher-Hockinson
Chris Fraser

Robert Gaffney
Donald Galassi
Mike Garbett
Joyce Gensler
Patsy Gilcrease
Kathy Glanville
Jeffery Glemser
Barbara Goodwin
David Goodwin
Larry Grant
Bruce Greene
Patricia Groth
Carole Gurriere

Victoria Hack
Steve Hardy
Vicki Hart
Sheila Horton
Elizabeth Howell

Yvonne Jacobs
Aric Johnson
Cliff Johnson
Kathleen Johnson
Linda Joiner

Tanya Kalinovsky-Fenner
Carolyn Kier
Richard Kuhta

Nat Lau
Cynthia Lavellee

Annabelle Lee

Thomas Leonard

Tom Levain
Loretha Little
Joann Lucas
Steve Luke

Joseph Malek
Janet McGuire
Karen Mead
Sharon Mead
Neil Milner
Ann Mitchell-Sink
Norma Moncayo
Shiela Morrow
Elaine Morry
Donald Myers

Charles  Naegeli
Chris Neall
Casey Nesbitt
Barbara Ney-Dickman

Cathy Orrett
Masami Owatari
Cynthia Owens

Ellsworth Peterson
Anne Philbrick-Whitney
Marc (Uri)  Porat
Edward Prystup

Michael Richardson

Nancy Rozza-Smith

Rebecca Schreck
Bonnie Schwartz
Joan Scudder-McGinnis
Sharon Shaver Jones
Alan Siegel
Kent Smith

Joan Starratt
Karen Steinbach
Sue Stockwell-Bymers
D. Symmes

Mona Thompson-McGee
Toni Thompson-Blackstone
Elaine Todd
George Todd
Sharon Travis-Denny

Judy VanBuskirk
Joan Vantresca-Wilkes
Joseph Vrhel

Dennis Wakabayashi
William Walker
Jeanne Welty
Wayne Wilson
Suzanne Wilson-Conyers
Bryan Winnovich

Gary Yonemura

Sandra Ziebell

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