In Memory

Mike Boyette

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08/06/14 08:41 PM #1    

Michael McElreath

my best friend i miss u bud

08/10/14 10:25 AM #2    

Richard (Rick) Johnston

Mike was Country before Country was Cool!  He had such a great laugh and that southern drawal could melt butter.  I can still see him and McElreath holding court out in the parking lot at Pasquallies(?) and everyone was standing around laughing loudly at whatever story Boyette was telling.  Those are good memories from high school years that I hope I never forget.  We had some characters in our class, and Mike Boyette stands out as a guy that would help you in a pinch, flash that big smile and have you bent over laughing within seconds.  We'll miss you Mike, but we'll be toasting you in the parking lot at Sharkey's!  May God bless you, Mike!

08/25/14 06:39 PM #3    

Mike Bennett

Mike made friends like God makes raindrops...lots of 'em.  Just looking at his picture makes me laugh...great memories, great guy!  Agree with Buck...a shot at Sharky of some Tenn. Whiskey for one of the first and best country boys I ever knew.  God  Bless you Mike!

10/10/14 10:05 AM #4    

Debra Duncan (Mathis)

Mike was my high school sweetheart and first love!  We remained friends over the years and I was able to visit with him several times before he died.  I got to know the man he had become and we enjoyed walking down memory lane.  We will miss you at the reunion.  You will be in our hearts forever!

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