In Memory

Michael O'Driscoll

Michael Joseph O'Driscoll

January 17, 1964 - August 30, 1981

To My Dear Brother,

It's been so long ago when you left us but I can remember every minute like it was yesterday. If I had known that I wasn't going to see you again, I would have held onto you so tight, that Saturday night. I remember your character and you growing up before my eyes.

Dear Michael, I do have to confess, that I can't remember your voice. I have tried so hard to hold onto it but it has slipped away. You were afraid of what it would do to Mommy and Daddy, but you forgot us. I think everyday, what would you look like now and what would you be doing. I think of you every day and now Mommy and Daddy too. I swear Michael you were my twin, six years later.

I love you and Mommy & Daddy so much, it makes my heart hurt.
Your sister Sharon

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02/14/08 02:48 PM #1    

John Condos

That's a hard one seeing his name. Breaks my heart thinking of that night. O was a great kid with a quick wit. Thanks Frank A. for putting this together. John

Ps. Sharon....I'm so sorry.

02/18/08 02:16 PM #2    

Laurie Ververs (Sloane)

I agree it is a hard one to forget. I still have the newspaper clippings inside my yearbook. Tears....Laurie

02/26/08 11:01 PM #3    

James Vigilante

I'll never forget the time Mike and I were at a bleacher party and we were walking to Burger King. A car approached us and we hid behind the bushes and
Mr. Sadlock (Head Football Coach)caught us and kicked us off the football team. I don't think the REDSKINS won any more games after our departure. LOL.

You, me and Anthony Pelliccio had some great times playing Sunday football on the side of Northvail and going to Anthony's house for a pasta dinner. AND FRANK TAYLOR WAS THERE TOO.


06/18/08 10:40 PM #4    

Robert Manganello

I'll never forget that night running to the accident sight. It still gives me cold chills.

Bob Manganello

06/19/08 09:14 PM #5    

Debra Altman (Davenport)

After all this time and it seems like yesterday. When I am in the area or on that street, I can still visualize the make shift tribute to "O" with the flowers, etc. at the sight. I will never forget Mike making us laugh in Mrs. Feola's English class.
I hope his family and friends know that many of us still that about him. We miss you "O"!
Debbie Davenport (Altman)

10/02/08 12:59 PM #6    

Richard Couillou

Oh Man . . . Mike, you were such a great guy. I was at a party in the woods off of the same road that night. I heard a sound that sent chills through my body. I walked through the woods to the road only to see the tow truck with your car on it. I broke down in tears immediately. I can't drive past the location of the accident without seeing your face & shedding a tear. You have been & will always be missed by all who knew you! Thank you for being the person you were.
R.I.P. my friend

11/23/08 08:24 PM #7    

Sharon O'Driscoll (Fiore)

I want to thank everyone for their comments and memories of my brother. I reget that I didn't go to the Church to this day, my neighbor said that there were hundreds of kids there. I wish I could have seen that. Michael and I were very close- he told me that one of those phyic's or palm readers down in Seaside told him that last summer that he was going to die really young. He worried what it would do to my parents. It completely devasted my family. Forever......
When it happened, I physical got sick at 9:00 pm at Sam's Italian Resturant. I knew something was wrong. My girlfriends told me that I worry too much, and that Michael was fine. So, I stayed out- I even went to Rags at 1 or 2. There had to be poeple in there that knew, but no one said a thing. It was when I got home at 3:00, that I knew something was terrible wrong no cars in my driveway and all the lights on in our house with the front door open. I don't even know how I parked. I ran into the house screaming- I called the police station and asked them where my brother was, that I knew he was in an accident. At, first they wouldn't tell me. With all my screaming the person on the phone asked me if I lived at 78 Knoll Road- and I fell to the floor screaming. They told me Morristown Memorial. I knew it was bad. My mother had a police scanner that she listened to everyday- she heard Michael's accident over the scanner- but took a sigh of relief because they said that the driver had to be over 18 because of his size. Twenty minutes later the phone rang. My family's life as we knew it was over forever. I never saw my brother in the hospital. My father said that he wanted everyone to remember him the way he was. Oh, GOD how I wished that I saw him. My life as I knew it was over. I didn't leave the house for about 4 months, except for work. I was terrified for anyone to leave our house because I thought that I was never going to see them again. And even now my heart is pounding in my chest and I am shaking.
Again, I thank-you, for keeping my brother's memories alive, I only wish that my father could have seen it. You see, he blamed himself the rest of his life- because he bought Michael's car, and he had it checked out- after the accident we found out that his car was in a flood and rusted completely through. They think that it was why it broke in half.

12/18/08 11:54 AM #8    

Anthony Pelliccio

Mike was my boy! He was one of the funniest guys ever! Quick with the wit and a good athlete. We had tons of good memories together. I think of him quite often.

"That was shorter than the 6 day war". His exact quote verbatim that I will not forget after a food fight broke out in Vida Buchalter's basement back in the day. Man.

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