In Memory

Franklin (Frank) Blumer VIEW PROFILE

Franklin (Frank) Blumer

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07/06/21 08:17 AM #1    

Michael Cramer

Frank died in 2019

07/07/21 11:21 AM #2    

John Potter


I knew Frank from the 7th grade at Wilson Jr. HIgh.  He had a great sense of humor and a great command of the language.  I remember an assignment in Mrs. Chasen's 9th grade English class to generate examples of grammar. Frank's example of an adverbial phrase was "Having taken the wrong trail, the Columbian coffee grower missed the boat." (This,of course, referred to TV commercials  for Juan Valdez)  I also remember that he was a jazz guitar player and performed on stage at PHS.

John Potter

Class of 1967


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