In Memory

Edward Donald Morgan

Edward Donald Morgan

Edward Donald Morgan was born Oct 12, 1943 in Payette, Idaho. Ed attended Payette, Idaho schools from 1st through 12th grades. He served as Baseball Manager during high school, participated in Library Club, Future Teachers of America and Science Club. We elected Ed as Vice President of our Senior Class and he served on the Student Council. Ed stated his Senior Goal as: "Teaching math or library."
Edward Donald Morgan served in the U. S. Air Force in Riverside, California. Ed married June Doris Mullins June 1, 1965 at Weiser, and they had four children. Unfortunately they had a house fire and later divorced. In 1979 Ed married a different lady, also named June. Ed & 2nd wife June raised two of her granddaughters as their own, due to the early death of her own daughter.
Ed's younger sister Vera gave me information for this memorial tribute. She and Ed had lost track of each other until she relocated him living in Ogden, Utah in 2001. Ed worked in retail at a J. C. Penney store for many years, but eventually retired due to health issues. The VA doctors couldn't figure out what Ed had for over 10 years. By the time he got onto SS - Medicare, cancer had taken a strong hold of him. The doctors wanted cell samples at the time, and to use him as a study subject.
Phil Rich called Ed before our 50th reunion and they had a nice chat. Ed would have liked to attend the reunion, but he was too ill and couldn't travel. Edward Donald Morgan died July 14, 2012 in his Ogden, Utah home. He ended up donating his body to science. Vera was told there is a special wall at the cemetery in downtown Salt Lake City for those who donated their bodies to science. Ed's funeral service was held at the LDS Chapel in Ogden, Utah.