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In Memory

Marjorie Florwick

Marjorie Florwick

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02/12/11 05:21 PM #1    

Eugene Bouma

 Marjorie lived at the top of the 7th Street hill in the Point Breeze section of Penn Hills which borders Verona.  She and I attended St Joseph's Grade School (grades 1-8) together along with many other of our Class of 61 classmates.  In the 9th grade we all transferred to the Penn Hills school system where Marjorie and I rode the same school bus for the following 4 years.  Throughout our 12 school years together, she was always a somewhat quiet person who never sought to be in the spot light, but was a sincerely nice person in every respect.  It stunned me to realize that many of our classmates who shared our school years have passed away.


07/28/11 03:19 PM #2    

Melanie Amoroso (Lucas)

 Marjorie's husband, Peter Nelson, was kind enough to send us her obituary.  She passed away on 10/28/09 from cervical cancer. "Marjorie majored in accounting at Duff's Business Institute and worked at USSteel, Donald Kessel CPA and Kathleen Kato CPA.  In addition to the love and care of her family she devoted much of her life to music and the church.  She sang with both the Murrysville Festival Chorus and the Masterworks Concert Chorale as well as the parish choirs of both St Mary's of Export and Mother of Sorrows. Marjorie's love for music inspired her to study at Seton Hill College where she obtained a certificate in sacred music and also pursued classical organ and voice studies." She had two sons and two grandchildren.

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