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In Memory

Richard (Si) Greene

Richard (Si) Greene

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05/01/13 06:10 PM #1    

Delores Palmer (Anistead)


It  was good to see Si at our 50th High School Reunion and again at the House Party at Mort's place. May he rest in peace.


Delores (Palmer) Anistead

05/01/13 06:53 PM #2    

Patricia Seibel (Noone)

So sorry to hear about the death of Si Green.  I'm glad he was able to attend the reunion and to have been able to catch up with old friends.  Rest in Peace Si - You're home!

05/06/13 09:45 AM #3    

Bruce Allen Weeter

So many good memories of Si as a friend, teammate and gifted athlete.  A sad finale, Si, to conclude your hard and troubled journey through life ... you will always be an important part of who we were then and who we are today. 

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