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In Memory

Arthur Morow

Arthur Morow

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06/24/11 11:22 AM #1    

Daniel Simpson

Does anyone remember a music group from the early fifties "The Four Voices"?  In the early fifties, before those opera guys, Pavoratti, Carrera and Domingo ripped us off, our music teacher Miss Fredericks, or perhaps it was Frederickson, formed the group "The Four Voices".  The members were Art Morrow, Donald Woods, Anthony Chicarella and myself, Dan Simpson.  The group was formed because our music teacher felt that we were so bad that we threw off the entire class.  We were not allowed to sing with the rest of the class.  The class would sing several songs and then everyone would hear from the "Four Voices".  It was a painful experience for little kids.  Come on now, how much could we screw up "I've Been Working on the Railroad" or "Skip to my Lou".  I would be interested to hear from anyone who might remember our musical efforts.  Art was a nice guy, verry funny and a great singer, in his own way.  

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