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In Memory

Robert Helverson - Class Of 1960

Robert Helverson


HELVERSON, Robert C. "Bob", - 79, passed away on October 21, 2022, at his residence in Cape May Courthouse. Bob was active in the Cape May County (CMC) real estate community for decades as a broker, agent, and former president of the CMC Board of Realtors. Bob was an avid traveler, enjoying many cruises to destinations worldwide. In his younger years, Bob was instrumental in growing the CMC soccer program and contributed to bringing international teams and those from other states to local tournaments. He is survived by his wife Carolanne; four children from a prior marriage including Renee (and Brian) Michael, Sandra (and Nathan) Schooley, Nicole (and Ramon) Hazle, and Robert (and Vivi) Helverson and their mother Mary; sister Joyce (and Gil) Ewing; and five grandchildren, Brittani, Natalie, Lexi, Brandon, and Lars. A viewing and Funeral Service was held at Spilker Funeral Home in Cape May at 10AM on October 28, 2022. In lieu of flowers, a memorial contribution to Tunnels to Towers (T2T.org) in Bob's memory is encouraged. Condolences:spilkerfuneralhome.com
