In Memory

Fred Dondero Jr.

Fredrick "Fred" Frances Dondero, Jr., born October 17, 1946, passed away November 14, 2003.

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05/16/10 04:54 PM #1    

Fred Alloway

I re-established my friendship with Fred after college and moving back to Phoenix. Fred had a gift of humor that was truly God given. He was always fun to be around and he gave me many wonderful memories.

07/21/10 09:07 PM #2    

Dave Donaldson

Fred was at the forefront of most of the social activities during our high school years and beyound. We work together and were in the national guard together. Along with Mike, tim and paul it was a fun time.  

10/10/15 09:25 AM #3    

Mike Lorts

Even after twelve years I think of Fred and the impact he had on my life. He was my best friend and I still think of him and his powerful personality. 


10/10/15 03:05 PM #4    

Dennis Moran

Fred Dondero was quite a character and by that i mean a funny, energeting person.  I was lucky to meet Fred in grade school and his sense of humor and acts were of what legend is....I wasnt popular in grade school but Fred didnt care who you were or where you stood in the class....he was their to boost your soul to a fun place and i think i picked up some of that.....I would see him in high school for time to time and Fred was still the same man....It was a pleasure knowing you Fred and knew you know how to push all the right buttons and provide humor for those of us who would need it.



10/11/15 05:58 PM #5    

Warren Clark

Fred was Indeed one of a kind! Incredibly industrious, and always in a hurry. Sometime in the late 80's he opened a restaurant called Segios and he had a menu that related the history of the Matriarch of the family, Mama Segio, who had labored to come to America and was the force behind the restaurant and its cuisine. When I commented to Fred that I never knew the family history of Mama Segio, he said "it's all bull----- I made it  up!

Fred - we miss you.

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