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•   Sherrie McDonald (Smyser) (1975)  9/22
•   Walt Cleary (1975)  9/23
•   Mike Steinke (1975)  9/29
•   Lisa Bowerman (Locker) (1975)  9/30
•   Thomas Parkinson (1975)  9/30
•   Joni Miller (Williams) (1975)  10/2
•   Terry Dailey (1975)  10/5
•   Rob Zint (1977)  10/15
•   Patricia Damiano (Powers) (1976)  10/19

Thunderbird High School
Classes of 1975 - 1976




Thank you to all that attended the reunion! It was a real success due to all of you. Please everyone keep in touch and I will be posting here about how you can get a memory book. We really have some great photos! Take care!



Okay Thunderbirds, we are exactly 25 days out from the 40th Reunion for 1975 and Class of 1976, and guests.  We are having two events and hope to see everyone come out for at least one of them.

I do need to have some idea on who is going to be attending Friday (Sept. 25th) nights event at Cucina Tagliani at 59th Ave. and Bell Rd. so we can make sure there is enough room and staff on hand etc. All Alumni that wants to attend is welcome. Happy hour pricing for us all night.

Saturday (Sept. 26th)  event is a paid event and is at Embassy Suites on I 17 and Greenway. It is $75.00 a person and is from 6-10pm. The deadline for signing up for this event is Sept.2nd.  You can sign up at or at the Thunderbird Alumni site. Food, music, prizes. Dress is "dressy casual"

If you are still needing a hotel room we were allowed 10 rooms at Embassy Suites at a discount rate of $99.00 by using the code THS. I do not know how many have been used.  There is also a La Quinta across the street with rooms priced around $70.00. It is within walking distance. If you are needing help finding a place to stay let us know. We have a lot of people coming in from out of town so if anyone needs rides from airport we will do our best to pick you up. Please give us fair warning.

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Hello everyone,

Today is the deadline for signing up for the Sat. night event. If you are planning on coming please do so today. Just as a side note, if you have siblings or friends from younger classes and they want to come, they can. They will need to register and pay. I will need to add their name to the list so please get back with me ASAP.

Getting close!!!


I had a great visit with Jason Latham, the Assistant Principal at Thunderbird, yesterday and let him know about our reunion plans andto  start a conversation about what we can do for them. It has always been my desire to give back to the school in some way and we have come up with a couple of things. First, we are going to be planting a tree in the courtyard. There has been a lot of construction going on at the school for the last few years and is just being completed. Bring back any memories? There are several new buildings and the whole campus has changed so much. In the process of constructiion they lost a lot of trees, and there is a nice spot open right in the courtyard where we can plant it. We are also buying a brick and inscribing it with our class years on it. We also discussed the possibility of putting in a time capsule. We can do it with approval from the Board. After a problem with Washington H.S. and the GUHSD losing a time capsule, that was due to be opened on the 100th Anniversary of the School District, and still hasn't been found, there are requirements for locating them.  So, if you have any memoribillia from 1972-76, as well as any ideas of items to add from current times, please let me know. 

We are also looking for items for door prizes / raffles. If you own your own company, or have friends in high places, or connections....whatever, please ask for, or give, or beg, for something we can give away / sell raffle tickets for.  Thunderbird and Greenway were given money through Bonds for the construction of the new buildings, but nothing for new furniture in them.  They have had to put old desks in them and I think we can, and should, help them out in some way.  Raffling items is a great way to raise money for this so please be creative and see what we can come up with.  We have letters for the donations, so if anyone needs some, let me know. We have already gotten a couple of donations and I think we can get a lot more.  It's a great community cause.

The last thing is the Homecoming game on Oct. 2nd, a week after our reunion.  Dave Arner from the Class of '79 has been putting on get togethers for this, and other get togethers, and will be doing so again. Any alumni who would like to go is invited to meet at the school and go on a tour of the grounds, and sit together as a group.  They announce the years in attendance at half time.  Shortly after that people will be meeting up at DaddyO's on 35th Ave. and Greenway. There will be drink specials and a deejay. You can let us know if you want to go, or Dave Arner and you can find him on Facebook. Dave has been a driving force in getting Thunderbird's together. He is to be commended on the work he does to make sure people remain connected to their friends from school.  When I asked him why he and his wife continue to do it, he said, "Because we love those people and we want to see them!"  Enough said.  It's great to be around people that "get" you.

We are better together.  We can do bigger things together.  We are going to have a great turn out for this. I know it doesn't show on the count, but trust me, this is going to be well attended.  I'm wondering if there will be enough room, so go ahead and plan on coming. Tell everyone you know that went to school with us about it and to get signed up on  We do need an accurate head count one week before so please let us know as soon as possible..

If anyone has any questions or suggestions just let us know.  Embassy Suites will be the hub for the activities all weekend. Several of us have rooms there all weekend. There are several options for the other days and I will post those tomorrow.

Have a GREAT evening!!!
