In Memory

Leon Bornes

Leon Bornes

My memory is not great but I recall that Leon was struck by a vehicle on his way to school near where Casey's General Store is located now.  Feel free to email me specifics and I'll add them to his page. 

Also, looking for a picture.  If you can scan one, send it to me.



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02/09/09 10:39 PM #1    

James Scheffel

Leon was struck and killed in 8th grade by a woman who was having heart trouble. That's the best I remember. I realized this was needed in here, because there is a plaque hanging in Southwestern High School in his memory. It was long ago, but he was with the Class of 1990. I remember Leon and I had our playground scuffles in grade school, and sent to Mr. Keene at least twice in 1st or 2nd grade. Over the years we became a little more respectful of each other. Leon had two sisters around the same age, Deanna and Jamie.

02/21/09 10:55 PM #2    

Sandy Oertel (Dwiggins)

It was actually right when we started our freshman year. I remember the night it happened. It was where Casey's is now. He was walking with Scott Reedy towards Leon's house (it was later than on their way home from school)and the lady hit him and not Scott. I remember me and my brother walking down the street to see what was going on. Steve Baumgartner was there and Shawn Burch and all kinds of people. All the lights and the generators running and all of the comotion. Things like this didn't happen in Brighton. I remember me and Shawn talking about it all. Shawn and I were in Mrs. Garret's class with Leon. The next day at school she rearranged the seating order. That's how I remember it was the beginning of our freshman year.

03/11/09 06:47 PM #3    

Twila Prunty

Sandy is correct. It was at the start of our freshman year. The accident actually occurred at night. Thanks for the input everyone.

04/14/09 12:11 AM #4    

Jason Bertoglio

Yep, Sandy is right on, it happened at about 9 pm, Shawn Burch had called me the very next morning (as he always did in the (am) wondering what i was wearing for school), notifying me what had happened. As if this makes any difference.

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