
Welcome Club Mesrobian! Thanks for coming by! If this is your first visit, read this page to see how to get started. Make your profile on your own web page and personalize it by adding pictures, You Tube Videos, and Playlists. Share your page with your classmates, family, and friends.

GET STARTED: Look to the upper left of the page and find "Member Profiles" or "Teachers" Click on it and find your name there. Click on your name and it will take you to a page that says "Join Here." Then "Click here now" and follow the instructions of adding your email and password so you can interact with your classmates. Please contact us if your name does not appear., so may add it to our class list. You don't have to finish it all at once. Come back whenever you want to add to or update your information, or add more photos. You can print out this page by choosing "File" from the top menu bar of your Internet connection. A "drop down" list will appear, and click on "Print" OR hold down the CONTROL key and click the letter key "p" and the print box will appear.

IMPORTANT: Please add (or allow) the following email address to your "Safe Senders" list so that your spam blocker will allow emails through from the classmates:

PRIVACY: All contact information you enter into your profile will be kept confidential. It will not be shared or distributed. Your contact information is private: your address and phone number can't be seen by classmates unless you grant permission on your profile. When someone clicks on your name, all they will see of your contact information is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your web page. Your email address is not viewable, though an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your web page. However, if you send a message to someone through their profile, they will see your email address so they can respond.

PASSWORD PROTECT: If you choose, you can Password Protect your personal profile to block the general public and search engines from accessing your web page. When you Password Protect, only logged in classmates can see your profile. Just click in the box on your profile page when you are in edit mode.

FORGOTTEN PASSWORD: If you forget your password, click on the "Forgot Password?" retrieval feature under the login feature, and it will be emailed to you.

REMEMBER ME: If you click "Remember Me" when you log in, you will not need to log in next time you go to the site. (Don't log out - just close the window.) You can log in from computers other than your home computer but you will need to enter your password.
