In Memory

Jim Horne


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05/25/18 04:46 PM #1    

Al Forster

Jim:  Sorry sorry to lose you as another friend and classmate.  Thanks for your service.  I was Navy too but always was in awe of  you guys on subs.  I know you loved that duty but I was a surface ship guy all the way.  We had to redezvous with one in the middle of the Pacific once to transfer off a sailor with a appendix issue.  It popped up in the middle of nowhere and, after the transfer, just disappeared under that vast ocean.  That's cool and that's brave.  And thanks for your service as a police officer.  Of course, I wish I'd said all this to you when you were alive.  Rest in peace after a good life as a good man.   Al

05/25/18 07:12 PM #2    

Joe De Prospero

Jim and I used to go to the Doggie Diner at lunch time and feast on Pastrami sandwiches.  After graduation, we both had part time jobs at Breuners Furniture in Oakland.  I found him one day on the eight floor stockroom, mid afternoon, stretched out and sound asleep on one of the shelves.  Jim always had a mile wide smile.  If you were around him it was contagious.  I'll miss you but I will not forget.


05/26/18 08:50 AM #3    

Jack Fritschi

I will always remember Jim with his infectious smile. He was a really good guy.

05/26/18 12:33 PM #4    

Jeff Holland

Jim and I have been friends since tenth grade. I was with him when he captured his Red Tailed hawk which was later carried by ROB ROY (Barry Reliet) on the football field. I have been proud to be numbered amoung Jim’s friends. He came to visit me in Utah a few years back. I am sorry to hear of his passing. His stories of police experiences will stick with me. I wish his family well in this time of sorrow. I’m convinced Jim is happy wherever he is. 

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