In Memory

Steve Wakefield

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07/16/11 03:58 PM #1    

Al Forster

At our 45th reunion I got to know Steve a little better. We had a chance encounter at the new (ugly) high school on the Saturday morning before the event. We both showed up at the school at the same time, by chance to stroll around and take a trip down memory lane, so we did it together. He told me of the very serious heart problems he had faced for years, resulting in congestive heart failure. He didn't think he would live very much longer but seemed ok with it and was generally quite optimistic about life. I remember being really taken with him, his attitude and his outlook. It makes more sense to me now having had a brush with mortality myself but here was this guy with problems I couldn't even fathom and to him the glass seemed half full. It was aspecial moment of that reunion for me. Thanks, Steve for that memory. Al 

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