In Memory

Stanton Silver

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07/21/11 04:17 PM #1    

Al Forster

I have terrific post high school memories of Stan through our connection with the reunion committee going back 30 years to our 20th. He was tireless in his participation. For the 30th he and I assembled the photo/memory kiosk I designed and hauled up from San Diego in pieces. At times we looked like two/thirds of the three stooges and laughed so hard our sides ached. I was away for his funeral but when I heard the event was packed with adoring friends I wasn't surprised. What a dear man he was. Al Forster

07/23/11 06:58 PM #2    

Bonnie Black (Matton)

Stanton Silver and I were almost related.  His oldest brother, Richard, married my older sister, Cindy. I went to the 40th Reunion was Stan and we had such fun.  He was a very, very special person and loved children.  Though he and his wife, Pat, didn't have any children of their own, he adored Cindy and Rich's kids and spent much time with them whenever he could. 

Stan and I would see each other at least once a year, where we ALWAYS fought over the turkey skin.  It became a tradition where everyone would say when it was time for the turkey to be sliced, "Oh, here comes Stan and Bonnie!"

As everyone knew, Stan loved history and was always the one people went to when they needed historical data.  And, how he loved Piedmont, belonging to as many organizations he could join in order to make Piedmont a better place to live.

When Richard passed away at too early an age, Stan, and his brother, Ray, were so there for my sister.  Stan and Cindy talked almost every day, right up to the time he passed away.

He was such a gentle, caring person to all, with a wonderful quiet sense of humor.  I still miss him too much.  We were planning on going to the 45th Reunion, but at the last moment, I was unable to go.  I will always be so very sorry I didn't and would have been extremely proud to have attended with him.


Bonnie Matton

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