In Memory

Kenneth Singer

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07/23/11 07:01 PM #1    

Bonnie Black (Matton)

I do remember Ken.  In stature, he was a little man, but with the biggest heart, always trying to help people.  Unfortunately, I didn't know him very well, personally, but what I did know, I respected him highly.

Bonnie Matton

07/25/11 09:33 AM #2    

Al Forster

Thank you Bonnie. Iv'e started 3 or 4 tributes to Ken's site (actually posted one of them) and found myself, as you did, not knowing alot , nothing really, about Ken's life or death. His life at PHS was kind of obscure and then 20 years went by, then another 10 and all I have of Ken is a couple of pictures of us together at each of those reunions and maybe 20 minutes of conversation. I didn't learn much then and I remember even less now. Maybe it's me just getting older but I find myself wanting to know more about Ken (and others who are gone) and frustrated that it's too late for very many answers. I hope someone knows more. Al

08/21/11 07:24 AM #3    

Adrienne Dewell (Gilmore)

I worked with Ken on the Clan-o-log and thought he was an incredible photographer.  He had an eye for the moment.  Look in the yearbook for that photo of Ken White at the Carnival (pg 75)- actually look at any of the spontaneous photos - they are probably his work.  All great!

I always thought I'd see his work in Life Magazine or on a front page of a newspaper.  I felt sad when I heard he was gone.   I enjoyed working with him.   Adrienne

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