In Memory

Lawrence Williamson

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07/16/11 03:34 PM #1    

Al Forster

I wish I knew more about Larry's life and his death. We were very close at PHS. Larry was a great guy but always considered a bit of an odd duck by many. I just think he was ahead of his time. He didn't like Rock "N Roll and was a serious jazz aficianado.  When he was 17 he won a contest sponsored by KJAZ FM putting together his own idea for an hour long show that he guest-hosted live, "on air"..."Trumpets from A to Z". I bet  nobody knew that about him. Of course he looked older and had a great phony ID so he was usually the guy who would buy the beer. He would call me from time to time over the years and he was often so drunk I could hardly understand him. Even after I quit drinking i'd try to talk to him about his drinking but it went nowhere. We lost track and then I heard he was gone. Tom Rowley hinted to me that there was something suspicious about his death but he wasn't sure what went down. Does anyone know? We all loved our "Limpy". Al

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