In Memory

Barty Swensen

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07/16/11 02:42 PM #1    

Al Forster

Gay Strom (Schrag) and I each made contact with Barty during the pre-fortieth reunion (Gay actually met with him). When he and I talked he told me he had been a dispatcher for Yellow Cab in Marin for something like 30 years and I could hear him during our conversation routing cabs and talking on the mike to the drivers. He seemed very distant, aloof...almost suspicious of my motives for getting in touch. He and I were very close in High School and although we hadn't spoken in the intervening 40 years it just felt absolutely no connection whatsoever, not a "Hey, how have you been, great to hear from you, etc." It's clear those were my expectations not his. I remember him talking about living in a tent in the woods in Marin from time to time and knowing Huey Lewis (The News) and having some connection with his band. He was about to retire Santa Rosa I think...Gay remembered him in one of those motorized walker things and not in good health. I know nothing about his death, where, when or how but would love to know more if anyone can fill in the blanks. RIP Bartster... good times and memories. Your childhood friend, Al Forster.

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