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In Memory

Stephen Yanzuk - Class Of 1968


Rest In Peace, Steve


Steve was killed in an automobile accident on September 21,1996.

This infomation was reported by his daughter, Dawn Burns.

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12/02/08 02:05 AM #1    

Sandy Burke (Collison) (1969)

I'm sorry to hear of Steve's death. I knew him and he was a very nice guy. Very sweet.
Sandy Burke

12/02/08 10:24 AM #2    

Elizabeth Nelson (Kligge) (1968)

Steve was a good friend of mine and my ex-husband. In fact he was in our wedding. Of course life happens and we tend to lose touch so I was shocked and very saddened to hear he had passed away. The last time I saw him he was married and had twin daughters. He was a great person and a good friend.

12/09/11 04:49 PM #3    

Gerard J. (Jerry) Stahl (1974)

I have been a friend of the Yanzuk family for many years. Steve was a great guy, a great family man and he really enjoyed life. He is absolutely missed.

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