In Memory

Jeffrey Rice

Jeffrey Rice

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03/01/16 01:09 PM #1    

Lois Fink

Though I did not know Jeffrey Rice very well, I am deeply sadened to hear of his passing.  Yet another of our class is gone.  We are too young to leave so soon.  My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

03/01/16 03:33 PM #2    

Howie Gordon

Stunned to see this!  Close to home I guess . . . for all of us.  Didn't know Jeff very well, but he sure was one of the handsomest men I ever saw.  When I was walking around in my fat body during the early years of high school I remember just wishing that I could look that good one day.  He was special.  Remember that he and Jeff Sacks seemed to be inseparable in those junior high years.  Now, both gone.  Rest in peace, fellas!  - H.    

03/01/16 03:59 PM #3    

JoAnn Weinstein (Erfer)

I remember Jeff as a funny guy. I think there's a picture in the yearbook of him flipping a bird. Sad to think he's gone. Getting old isn't for the faint of heart. 

03/03/16 09:19 AM #4    

Ronald Reck

I am Sad to see another classmate Pass.  I knew Jeff for the four years we all spent together in High School.  I remember him as a really nice guy who had a joyful quick step down the halls of Allderdice.  Always greeted classmates with a smile and a hello.  I remember a guy who when I was ill coming back to school from several surgeries, who showed genuine concern with a welcome back and asking how I felt.  I remember a friend to many and a funny guy.  I am sure his family and friends will miss him and have many years of fond memories to remind them of his beautiful life.  RIP Jeffrey Rice.  Your Classmates of 66 remember you well.  Ron Reck

03/14/16 12:01 PM #5    

Buddy Klemp

I can't believe Jeff is no longer with us. What a great guy and a woderful family Jeff came from. Jeff marched to his own thinking and others didn't influence how he interacted with anyone. He was a free spirited thinker.  I love that trait about Jeff and I will sorely miss him, however I got a chance to know the Rice family and very grateful for that. We have lost so many people from TAHS class of 1966  that just shows me how time passes so quickly.


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