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08/19/08 08:12 PM #44    

David V. Jennings

Did you know the Temple Meek is a missionary? I've been trying to reach him, but all I found was this...

08/20/08 08:43 AM #45    

Lisa A. Kotsch (Porco)

Susan what a great website you have put together. I am sharing the info with everyone I am still in contact with...thanks so much to everyone involved in getting this off the ground. What an easy way to stay in touch. KUDOS!

08/22/08 01:55 AM #46    

Mary A. Lewis

I was struck by all the memories posted by fellow homeroomers, the "Real McCoys." We didn't realize then how few times in life we become a member of a group that really "clicks." I have many memories, including one day when the principal "Bettie" (can't remember her last name) visited and Lance called Mr. McCoy "Ray-boy." He got a real tongue-lashing for that.
It would be great if we could convince Mr. McCoy to come to the reunion. He's still young enough to enjoy it!
Perhaps we can all visit his blog and post invitations! Look to Gina Lackner's post!

08/22/08 09:52 PM #47    

Susan Albrecht (Burke)

Hey Real McCoys - your fearless leader has made contact. He has his own profile and is anxious to say hello to his homeroom of '78. He is listed at the bottom of the Classmate Profiles.

08/23/08 05:50 PM #48    

Ray McCoy

I received a message from Gina Lackner and Cindy Lammert on our website and was really touched - guess I am reaching geezer status. What a wonderful website!! I am planning on seeing my homeroom students at the reunion. If they are late, they will need a note from their parents (or spouse). Can't wait to tell a few students a thing or two. I still remember! See you all soon. Ray McCoy

08/24/08 01:33 PM #49    

Rozalia P. Lamprinakos (Christulides)

I just got a phone call from Gina Lackner saying that I was missing. Being that I have been teaching at Mt. Lebanon High for 9 years, I didn't think that I was that hard to find. Open House is a class reunion for me every year. Many of our classmates' kids are my students. (Yeah, we're old... at least I haven't had any of your grandchildren yet.)

Some things in our high school are still the same, but there are a few things I can't get used to. Each time I open the door from the stairwell to enter the 4th floor, I expect the lockers to be green. Everything was painted blue and gold a while back, no more color-coded floors. No more locker partners, home-baked cinnamon rolls, smoking area, diagonal schedule or free time.

Homeroom assignments are still alphabetical and you stay with the same group for 4 years. Mr. Ober, Mr. Caputo and Ms. (Fleckenstein) Kapron are now my peers/colleagues.

Thanks to the committee for organizing all this.--- Lia

08/25/08 12:32 PM #50    

Leslie A. King (Bowden)

So 'Jivin' Ivan Ober is still rocking out.
I enjoyed Mr. Bergman's meterology class. I can still calculate the dew point! We called him "chrome dome" and to his face to boot. He was a cool teacher.

Leslie King (Bowden)

08/25/08 11:17 PM #51    

Laurie Lammert (Templin)

There are still entirely too many "Real McCoys" on the "Missing Classmates" list. Now that Ray-boy McCoy will be taking roll at the reunion, we need to get those alumni updated quickly!! It is wonderful that Lia is no longer missing, hiding right under our noses at the High School! Imagine!! Lia, would any of us pass your class? I am addicted to this web site, and look forward to the reunion. Laurie

08/27/08 04:49 PM #52    

Linda Laughlin (Held)

Maybe the "Real McCoys" can reunite the old intramural volleyball team.

08/27/08 07:20 PM #53    

Tamara Scarlett (Scarlett-Lyon)

Gosh, I remember hearing about the Real McCoys back in high school but didn't know who/what they were. Sounds like you all had a special group and bond in your homeroom.
My memories of my homeroom ('63, i think) are very dim. Mostly I kept to myself other than brief chit chat w/ a couple people. I think i probably never even spoke to half the people in my class, which is a sad commentary on my attitude back then (be at the school building as minimally as possible and be as uninvolved as possible outside of my actual studies and classwork).
Anyway, it's fun to hear about you "L" people and your memories.

08/27/08 07:53 PM #54    


Regina Lackner (Ehrhart)

The credit for the "Real McCoy's" goes to Ray for taking the time to get to know each of us individually. As a group we did some really fun things...Pirate games, progressive dinner and volleyball team.

If you can have fond memories of someone from thirty years ago then they obviously had an impact on your life. Ray was that and more.

We were a very lucky group of kids.

Gina Ehrhart

08/28/08 01:16 AM #55    

Valerie A. Stacy

I agree with wishing I'd been more attuned to classmates at the time instead of being so shy -- but it indeed is interesting to catch glimpses of who they (we) have become. As far as teachers, it would be nice to invite them to join in. (I'm hoping for her sake that Miss Roegge is no longer living -- my mother, who was born in 1925, had Senorita Rita Roegge as her Spanish teacher while in high school!)

Along the lines of the Miss Funk story, does anyone remember Juanita McDowell, the feisty red-haired English teacher from about seventh grade at Jefferson Jr. High? I'm pretty sure she was a former Marine (or WAC or something) and was pretty intimidating but also very nice. She was a wonderful teacher. I remember a lesson on the racism inherent in our culture -- how "white" is always good and "black" is always bad. Then she gave examples of it: to be black-balled, black-listed or to white-wash something, etc. The villain always wears a black hat, the hero a white hat. Dark clouds are always ominous and depressing. It was pretty progressive stuff for a suburban school district in the 1970's.

It was/is a very good school district.

08/28/08 01:36 PM #56    

Rozalia P. Lamprinakos (Christulides)

I am pretty sure SeƱorita Rita Roegge is still living (in Mt. Lebanon) and well. She attended a retirement party for World Language teachers, Richard Hogue and Patti Lowe just over a year ago. Jean Magura (also retired) brought her. This party was a nice reunion for many retired language teachers. Also in attendance were Ralph Kessler, the Morreales, Sheldon Campbell, Oliver Learch, Jack McGovern, Edith Stein and Ray Gurley. Richard Hogue and Pam Horowitz volunteer as language tutors during lunch periods in their retirement. That's dedication!

08/29/08 10:13 PM #57    

Monica L. McCann (Marks)

Does anyone remember Mr. Kish...thought he was cool and cute...only reason I took Algebra 3-4 was because he taught it...he also always drove a nice sports car and I was driving my dads Oldsmobile

What about Mr. Held and how he made you type to music then kept speeding the music up to make you type faster

08/30/08 02:13 AM #58    

Tamara Scarlett (Scarlett-Lyon)

Don't know about Mr Kish, but do remember typing with Mr Held in summer school, and i recall he was very strict about no chewing gum in class.
And also recall summer school Health with Mr Aston-Reese. I remember thinking it really cool to be taught how to deliver a baby.

08/31/08 12:32 AM #59    

Monica L. McCann (Marks)

There was another teacher (who taught humanities) that had an issue with gum chewing...she said that it distracted her from teaching because she would look into the class and see all the different chewing happening and could not keep up with all of the styles of gum chewing while teaching the class. I cannot remember for the life of me her name, I had her second semester senior year to fill time in my mods (remember those).

08/31/08 03:25 PM #60    

Tamara Scarlett (Scarlett-Lyon)

Maybe Mrs. Bailey? I liked that class. I still think of her any time i notice doric or corinthian capitals on columns.

08/31/08 09:09 PM #61    

Valerie A. Stacy

I can't believe Miss Roegge is alive and well! Good for her. I liked Mr. Mehalic -- I think he taught English? -- and the life skills or science teacher who stood on his head to demonstrate something or other -- does this ring a bell?

08/31/08 11:33 PM #62    

Thomas Tattersall

I think you mean Mr. Macetta....he also was asst principal for awhile. I am not sure he is still alive. I thought I remembered he passed away. I know Mr and Mrs. McCloskey are still around. Mr. Ober who was 12-65 homeroom teacher is still around and Mrs. Viviano retired this past year.

09/01/08 10:21 PM #63    

Laurie Lammert (Templin)

I was in Pittsburgh this past weekend for the Labor Day holiday, visiting the family. My fourteen year old son, who just started high school here in "Land-That-Time-Forgot, Tennessee" went to the Lebo game on Friday night with family friends. When he returned home after the game, he asked me "what is the six story building next to the high school?". I told him it was all the high school, the entire structure looming up behind the football field. He looked at me with total disbelief, and asked again, trying to clarify for his senile mother what he meant, and I gave him the same reply back, with added emphasis. I don't think he is going to be able to go back to his little school tomorrow with any joy. I asked him if he saw the Mt.Lebanon Rockettes, and he had no clue who I was referring to, not a clue. I am hoping he was at the concession stand during half time and completely missed the boat. Please tell me the Rockettes still exist and that the Lebo band is still outstanding. I have no musical ablility myself, but I always loved the band performances during football games.

09/02/08 09:55 AM #64    

Cindy Wissler (Nehila)

In memory of my sister, Mary Ann Wissler Knaus, class of 79. Mary Ann passed away July 9,2008. She left a beautiful 14 year old daughter, Jackie and a wonderful husband Dave.Thank you Ann,Monica, Debbie and especially Cindy Byham [Kimmerle} for being there with me.

09/02/08 10:35 PM #65    

Monica L. McCann (Marks)

Mary Ann would have become addicted to this site for 79 classmates...perhaps we need to contact the folks in charge for next year so they can set something up like this...does anyone know who to contact

Mary Ann was a wonderful friend, sister, mom and wife...she will be sorely missed by many people

09/03/08 12:34 AM #66    

Monica L. McCann (Marks)

Tamara, I think you are correct it was probably Mrs. Bailey with the gum chewing and Valerie, I cannot believe Seniorita Rita Rogge is still alive and doing well...good for her

09/08/08 11:15 PM #67    

Tamara Scarlett (Scarlett-Lyon)

I've been visiting my mom at Friendship Village the past few days and today we were talking about people from my swimming days (aqua club and half-heartedly at the high school till i decided to become manager of the team instead of swimming- by being manager which entailed doing nothing i got out of having to take gym class my jr and sr year),
and anyway, we got to talking about Joe Krall, who coached aqua club when i was little then coached the high school girl's team (and i guess after we graduated he coached both the guys and girls), and i decided to look him up in the phonebook and call him. We ended up having a great little chat and he is very interested in his former swimmers and students (at Howe school), so I am passing this website along to him. Perhaps he'll join in the conversation..
As i recall high school swimming i remember how after weeks of nagging and begging him to bring donuts to practice he finally did. I also recall how i gave him the nickname, Joe Babes, which was meant in good fun but in retrospect I hope he didn't feel disrespected.

09/10/08 09:23 PM #68    

Carl S. Neishloss

Valerie, I remember Miss McDowell vividly. I was scared to death of her but I loved her as a teacher. I think in front of the entire class she showed her tough, no BS side. One on one, she was a real sweetheart.

Tom, Mr. Mascetta is alive and well. He lives in Canonsburg. When my girls were seniors, they attended the Canon-McMillan Scholarship Banquet. He was one of the presenters.

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