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Erin Abramson (Carp)
Patrick Baird (Sr)
Marjorie Baraff
Sheila Berger
Jeffrey Blum
Lorraine Callender (O'Dowd)
Aaron Edelstein
Marc Green
Joel Halsband
Sharlene Hellman (Lindsey)
Lou Horowitz (Dunn)
Marlene Kaufman (Terkel)
Linda Klein (Mann)
Evelyn Kravetz (Batten)
Sharyn Lerner (Nassau)
Dianne Liebman (Kart)
Kathleen Lucerne (Rich)
Donna Mazer (Weiner)
Ira Mazer
Edward McCue
Robert McGee
Ellen Newman (Edelstein)
Sheldon Newman
Charles Pearle
Jeffrey Perlman
Allen Rapoport
Howard Rouser
Linda Rubin (Weiserg)
Phyllis Saroff (Neiberg)
Betsy Seewald (Porter)
Ken Simons
Sheri Sivitz (Holmes)
Martin Small
Sheila Terkel (Eatroff)
Arthur Tracht
Carol Trust (Zrimm)
Kathy Vivian (Hale)
Phyllis Watzman (Teitelbaum)
Ellen Wedner
Richard Weintraub
Francine Weiser (Feldman)
Robert Weiss