In Memory

Linda Sue Keith

Linda Sue Keith

May 2,1950- Jan.19,.2022 

I do not have an obituary to write up, but her dear friends paid loving tributes on Linda's facebook page.  

With a heavy heart, Linda Sue Keith passed from this our mortal plain on January 19th, 2022, taking her first steps in the journey beyond. 

Linda's final journey:  If you follow Linda Sue Keith, you know that she's had a difficult few months.  On October 2, 2021, she suffered a spinal cord emergency that left her lower body totally paralyzed.  She spent over a month at OSU Hospital while medical teams tried to figure out what happened and whether healing was possible.  She transferred to rehab on November 12, where physical therapy made little progress to restore her strength and movement.  On January 13, she contracted COVID-19.  With her fragile respiratory system, that quickly led to pneumonia and hospitalization at Grant Medical Center.  The staff there was kind to her and worked hard to stabilize her breathing.  This afternoon, our friend passed away peacefully, knowing that she was loved and will be missed.  I feel blessed to have known Linda and will remember her love of literature, people, and the water. Her kayak is surely strapped to the roof of her van in heaven.  

-Teri Eriksen

Linda Sue holds a Bachelor's and Master's in Library Science from Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI.  She absolutely loved books and learning.  

There is going to be a memorial service at her church in the spring.