In Memory

Marvin Johnson

Marvin Johnson

Mr. Johnson passed away in 2005.

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02/19/09 12:28 AM #1    

Greg Johnson

Hello classmates,

Greg here with a "Coffee Cup" update.

Marv only taught at PHS for one more year after we graduated, and then he and Irene retired and beat feet for their beloved north woods retreat near Eagle River, WI. Not unlike the day after school let out in June every year, with me in tow.

First order of business was to build a year round home on the property. This probably led to his second career as a vacation home builder.

They lived out at the lake until the early 90's, when plowing snow off the 3/4 mile long driveway with his tractor got to be too much. They built a home in town, and eventually he sold the home building business and retired for good.

Advancing age brought a smorgasbord of health challenges and he passed away in 2005, primarily from complications of Parkinson's. He donated his remains to the UW Medical school, where he resumed teaching, this time with the student doctors of tomorrow.

After the 20th class reunion, I passed on the comments of a fellow classmate who described him as "tough but fair". I could tell by his reaction that description suited him. I can still remember his voice booming down that crooked hallway from his classroom..."The SUM of the SQUARES of the SIDES of a right TRI-angle equals the SQUARE of the hy-POT-enuse".

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