In Memory

Kathleen (Kathy) Hogan

Here is information on Kathy's death, from her sister Maureen, Class of '68:  "Kathy was my sister.  She died on August 29, 1969 from hypothermia.  She was on a fishing boat with four other people (one being her fiance, Joe Baines) in Alaska.  They hit an iceberg and had time for one distress signal before putting their life jackets on and going overboard.  Joe and Kathy latched themselves together and waited to be rescued.  Two of the five survived.  Sadly, Joe died first, in my sister's arms.  In my heart, I believe she then gave up and passed to be with him."

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02/03/15 09:33 AM #1    

Janice Bose (Belding)

Kathy and I met in our sophmore year through Nancy Holmes, a mutual friend and classmate.  By junior year we were walking to school most days together. She encouraged me to become involved in the show and dramas put on by the school.  Kathy always talked about life after graduation and what she wanted to accomplish.  She wanted adventure and I know that although she died too young,  she found many of the adventures she craved. 

03/03/15 10:35 AM #2    

Myke Haab (Judd)

Kathy & I spent the "Summer of Love "(1967)  in Hawaii. We lived on Oahu near Waikiki in "the Jungle" which is no longer there. Patty Belcher joined us later that summer & we had so much fun, partying, working & being 3 girls living in a studio apartment near the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. It was magical. At the end of summer, I left Hawaii to complete my B.A.while Kathy & Patti stayed on in our aparment. We lived above a bunch of sailors & became very good friends with them as well as an amazing older Hawaiian named Manny. Those were such special times & I remember them fondly. I know that Kathy went to Alaska with her then boyfriend & lost her life in a boat accident. She was funny & serious at the same time with a very dry sense of humor. Took me some time to tell when she was being serious or just kidding. Very generous with herself & her energy. We had our share of "disagreements" but always managed to smooth over and make up. We both did alot of growing that summer in Hawaii. She died way too soon & will be greatly missed.

06/05/15 05:13 PM #3    

Sheila McLaughlin (Bell)

I met Kathy when I transferred into PHHS from Salinas High in my senior year when my dad had a job transfer. What a special friend Kathy was that year. We talked all summer about what school would be like, who all her friends were and who she'd be introducing me to if they were away on vacation. Kathy was such a great combination of hilarity & good humor, common sense & could really get down to business when we had to, a wonderful work ethic.  We had lots of silly fun our senior year.  After that my memory gets fuzzy. I joined the Navy after a year at DVC and heard about her horrible death in the icy waters off the Alaskan coast from one of our mutual friends. It may have been Terry Vroman. I was so shocked and mourned our dear friend for a long time. May she RIP.

06/06/15 08:27 PM #4    

Michelle Dell'Ergo (Aiken)

Gone way too young !


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