In Memory

Jessie Caiani (Hall)

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06/19/22 12:12 PM #1    

Tom Pulliam

very sad to lose Jessie, but she was suffering toward the end and I believe thatparticipation in our Zooms brought her some relief and some real happiness in connecting with her old classmates

06/19/22 12:32 PM #2    

William Wilkoff MD

Wake will be 4-7 Wednesday June 22 at Beecher Funeral Home in Pleasantville.  Information available on their website.

06/19/22 01:05 PM #3    

Judy Golub (Berg)

Sorry to learn about Jesse.   I knew her health was failing.  We had many good times in East Hampton where she lived after she retired from teaching.  She will be missed.

06/19/22 04:33 PM #4    

Barbara Kaestner (Curry)

I have wonderful memories of Jessie throughout the years. We were young moms together in P'ville where I would often run into her and have endless chats.. Before she came back to Westchester, I visited her several times in Easthampton where we had a few good meals, lots of conversation and many laughs.. I know the last few years were very difficult, I'm glad she is at peace now. Love you Jessie.....

06/19/22 09:07 PM #5    

Dave Ogden

I'm so sorry that we have lost Jessie.  She was a wonderful classmate and friend.  We all

will miss her.  Rest in peace at last.


06/20/22 11:19 AM #6    

Ron Hicinbothem

One of our best classmates...Saw Jesse a few years ago in Madison,and had a nice talk and a lot of of her remembrences was her, Tony Ciulla and me hanging together in 5th Grade and laughing continously...She told me "I had such a crush on you" and I replied "thanks for waiting so long to tell me" which led to another round of laughter. She was so approachable..nothing pretencious about her...Sad,ly we remaining classmates are at the point in our lives where we will be getting more of In Memory notices...Don't wait to tell others of your feelings...We are'nt promised tommorow... having said that, I love you all for being in my life and being the BEST Class to come from PHS.  Young Panthers forever!!!

06/20/22 11:27 AM #7    

Jed Devine

I always admired Jessie's inner strength, her tough core.

She weathered much and by all of your accounts still loved to laugh.

I call this stage of our lives the Demilition Derby. Wake up and find the rear view mirror getting foggy, a headlight gone out, and where is that blue smoke coming from ? Laughing and compassion the best medicines.

Blessings to all.



06/20/22 08:48 PM #8    

Betsy Hanley (Hurley)

Jessie was my next door neighbor in Pleasantville. Lots of good memories of running through the hedge that separated our yards to play and hang out. I visited her only once in East Hampton but it was good to reconnect. So glad that so many of you stayed in touch and gave her support. 

06/21/22 11:52 AM #9    

Michael Harris (Harris)

Jessie was a good friend. Her loss will leave a hole in my heart.

06/22/22 06:50 AM #10    

Mark Schofield (. )

Jessie with friends.  Madison, CT

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