In Memory

Tony Ciulla

Tony Ciulla

Sal Celona called to tell me Tony passed away recently after a short illness. He is survived by his wife and 3 daughters.


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09/12/21 04:47 PM #1    

Dave Ogden

I am so sorry to learn that Tony has passed.  He was a good friend.  Every year we would wish each other happy birthday as we were born only a few hours apart on Jan. 5.  I just talked to Tony last month and did not think there was any health problem.  So I send my condolences to his family.  Tony will be missed by all that knew him.

09/12/21 08:48 PM #2    

Judy Golub (Berg)

Sad news.  So sorry. 

09/12/21 10:24 PM #3    

Craig Gildersleeve

A true warrior he was. Big heart full of kindness. RIP Tony.

09/13/21 07:28 AM #4    

Pete Birmingham

I, too, am very sad to learn of Tony's passing. He is one of the few Panthers that I had been in touch with over the years. Tony had a big heart and sense of humor, both of which he liberally shared with all. I am sorry to lose him, and my prayers will certainly include Tony and his family.

09/13/21 12:10 PM #5    

Arlene Bagarozzo (Curinga)

So sorry to hear about Tony.  I remenber him fondly.

09/13/21 07:32 PM #6    

Ron Hicinbothem

I was saddened to hear of Tony's passing...We met for the first time on the Roselle Avenue playground in 1949...Jack Gullota was also there.Tony's sense of humor,his kindness and BIG heart stand out. I was so fortunate to have knowh im and had too numerous fun times to mention...You won your race my friend...Rest Easy until we meet again...Ronnie

09/14/21 09:14 AM #7    

Salvatore Celona

Tony was a dear and true friend that I got to know and appreciate more over the years. It began in the Pleasantville school system in 1949. I have an early photo in front of Roselle Avenue school with a group of fellow students including Jack Gullotta, Gary Nevius, Dave Diote and Tony (to name a few that I could ID).I moved to Thornwood shortly thereafter but reconnected with my Pleasantville brothers and sisters in1959 with our transfer to their beautiful high school! It was at that time that Tony and I re-established our friendship (through the Criterions-thank you cousin Bruce).

After graduation in 1962 life and "growing up" got in the way of our relationship. We kept in touch through our professional engineering connections but it wasn't until early 2000's that we got to really know each other more closely. We were now both Dutchess County residents but still firmly connected to our Pleasantville roots.

Tony always made me feel like I was his "special" friend. He plied me with thoughtful gifts and attention....never forgetting to call me on my birthday with a happy and encouraging word. Surprisingly however he was slow to "join in" on our group activities. It wasn't until 2019 when I got him to accompany Marie and I to visit with our PHS '62 friends in Connecticut at our annual get-together at Buffao Bay. He...and we had a wonderful time there and I think that he was the hit of the gathering that year!

Yes that was our Tony....a real blessing and gift to us all. Rest well my friend. We will all miss you dearly.

09/15/21 07:50 AM #8    

Mark Schofield (. )

Tony and I were friends in HS. And then lost touch for many years. As Sal said, he came to the 2019 reunion in Madison and he was the surprise gift to the get together.  It was fun seeing him and catching up on the lost years.

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