In Memory

Bonnie McCandless

Bonnie McCandless

Frannie Reed posted on Facebook that Bonnie passed away a few days ago.  Her health had declined since her kidney transplant.  She was living in Colorado.  No other details available.

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03/03/20 07:01 PM #1    

Sandra Snyder (Berhenke)

I am so sorry to learn of Bonnie's passing and even sorrier that I didn't know she had been living in Colorado since I would have tried to get together with her. Bonnie and I were very good friends in the middle of our high school years and the happiest memory I have is going to NYC with her when she was on the radio show featuring Frankie Avalon. Bonnie appeared with Frankie and we were treated to a morning featuring popular groups like the Kalin Twins. We spent noon hours on the living room couch at her house eating brown bag lunches and smoking Kents. Bonnie and I even roomed together with Susan Conger in a dorm at The University of Michigan our freshman year. When she and Marino were in Wyoming and she was finishing her bachelors degree we were able to have a reunion with our then husbands. I am sorry that she was in poor health at the end of her life. I prefer to remember our Frankie Avalon days!


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